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Loopers' Delight Pages

Looper's Delight page...that sounds excellent.  Who's been hosting it?
What is/was on it?  Why is it not up now?  If anyone else is putting it
back up, I'd love to check it out.  If it needs a site for hosting, I think
ovenguard music would be happy to help out.  Our site has a little extra
space, good access, and all that.  Several of our artists are loopers of
one form or another (I really don't want to start up another
highbrow/lowbrow thread, so that's all I'll say about the music for now ;-)
Anyway, the main site's at http://www.ovenguard.com/music, and if there
are past keepers of the page, I'd like to hear from them, either about the
page or about hosting a new one.  If I don't hear from anybody, who would
like to help put a page together?


>When is the Looper's Delight page coming back?


Chris Stecker
Honcho, Ovenguard Music  (http://www.ovenguard.com/music/)
