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RE: Help!!!!!!!!!!!!

GRAIGORY2@aol.com [mailto:GRAIGORY2@aol.com] inquired:
> I'm trying to install my soundblaster AWE 64... but now my
> computer wont recognize my cd rom for some reason... what do i do????????

Hopefully to negate the pointless suggestion regarding some arbitrary
computer platform,
this is a common side-effect of multimedia card installations, and various
instances of Windows95 installs. :)

Step one, Check Your Connections!  The ribbon connector for CD-ROMs tends 
be fairly easy to dislodge by the slightest nudge, and since you've had 
hands in the box, I'd say check this first.

Two.  On occasion this can be solved by running the Add New Hardware 
in Control Panel.  This does not always recognize the drive, either - but,
generally, the newer the card/cpu, the more likely that this will be

Three.  Sometimes the answer is to trick Windows into recognizing the drive
again, using the real-mode drivers that still might be addressed in your
Config.SYS and Autoexec.BAT files.  Make sure you have the lines for the
CD-ROM driver in Config.SYS, and MSCDEX's item in Autoexec.BAT, which were
probably REMmed out by various installations of the past.  Regardless of 
your drive is attached (via the sound card, or your IDE interface), the
above should be valid.  So if you unREM the lines-in-question, then restart
your system, you SHOULD see the drive in My Computer.

Have fun!

Stephen GoodmanÊ *Ê It's The Loop Of The Week!
EarthLight StudiosÊ *Ê http://www.earthlight.net/Studios