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[looper's] RE: DL-4

Title: [looper's] RE: DL-4

>>I don't seem to be able to unassign Delay Time from the pedal. So, if, for example, I want to bring up the repeats as I put my toe down, I set a couple of repeats at heal position and lots at the toe position. I don't touch Delay Time, and when using the pedal, the Delay Time will always change causing the spaceship effect.<<

it's been a while... but I think you have to set one of the pedal positions before the other one- the order is important though I can't remember which way round it is.... and you have to re-store the preset before it "takes". if that doesn't work, then summat's buggered. you could try re-storing the preset with no pedal plugged in to "clear" any memory it might have of the snapshotted positions.

then you could try deliberately moving the delay time knob a tiny bit and back again in order to "re-register" the alternate position, in case the dl4 is assuming, in the absence of any other data, that you wanted to carry on using the erroneous setting.



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