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Re: [OT] Violin midi (was average age of the looping community)

At 09:04 AM 2/11/2003, Mark Sottilaro wrote:
>Why don't more companies try to come up with touch sensitive necks with a 
>vibration sensor for each string, like the old Casio MIDI guitar (not the 
>real guitar with the hex pickup, but the plastic ones they 
>marketed).  Isn't this how the Starr guitar controllers work?  I imagine 
>it could work with any string instrument.

because they tried already and went out of business.

Either it ends up totally unlike the traditional instrument, so hardly 
anybody wants to use it, or it is a lot like the traditional 
instrument  but it costs so much to manufacture that nobody can afford it.

If you can solve that problem you will be a hero.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com