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Re: SV: EDP problem

At 03:51 AM 3/25/2003, Per Boysen wrote:
> > >  > > ever go to 100% feedback, so everything fades... not
> >
> > using LOOP4 and
> > > controlling feedback by a midi expression pedal that is calibrated
> > > over  the entire range; 0 to 127.
> >
> > Hi Per,
> >  You're using the FCB1010, right?
> > Well I notice that my FCB1010, even though calibrated
> > to compensate, doesn't always go to 127. Sometimes it
> > gives 126 as the max value.

I've also helped people with problems where that pedal was sending 
unexpected feedback values to the echoplex. check the programming, and 
sure nothing is left in default.

>Thanks Andy. But the problem is not that I don't know the feedback
>level. The problem is that when I set the EDP to the highest feedback
>level (100%) the loop is fading anyway. But that's not a big problem -
>it only affects the music if you leave a loop in the EDP for a couple of
>minutes and you can adjust your music to avoid doing that. With the
>loop4 I think the EDP is much cooler to use for cutting slices into
>loops than for "long playback".

There are a few reasons a loop can be fading depending on what you are 
doing as a user, so this could simply be a user understanding issue. As 
usual though, for anybody to actually help you with that you need to 
explain how you have the echoplex set up and specifics about how you are 
using it. Just saying "I have that problem too!" won't get you anywhere.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com