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RE: new lingo; everything loops

I always like "fresh" and "tight".  As for the derivation of phat, the first time heard it used was in the phrase "a fat joint"  (see also, "fatty")  Then came "a phat show", and then suddenly anything could be phat.  The ph might have come into play because of the band Phish... or maybe they were just tapping into a linguistical contusion that was already there...
I really like the idea of looping speech patterns.  Of course, if you look at the appropriate time scale (frequency), everything is looping/oscillating: spinning electrons, vibrating atoms, cells and organisms reproducing themselves, day/night and seasonal cycles, orbits, tides... how about conservative > liberal > conservative > liberal politics (I really hope that one plays out!)?  Fashion trends?  Economic cycles?  The universe continually expanding and contracting???
That's why looping is the ultimate art form... can I get a "Hell Yeah"? 
Joe B
Relay <relaydelayband@earthlink.net> wrote:
My 2 cents--
Most of the more recent American slang has come from the streets, courtesy
of Black America, hence Phat and my favorites, "wack" and "dope" . . .
America owes much to the African American!
Since looping is present in modern dance music, does that community have any
pertinent slang terms we propeller heads (please please can I be one?) can


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