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RE: Record Industry Decline

I'm going to jump in here and state that I believe the hole "perfect copy"
thing is a lie made up my record companies.  Few really care if their copy
is "perfect."  I made cassettes of records as I now make mp3s of CDs and 90
percent of the time I don't care and I'm pretty into the sound quality of
things. (home is where I try to listen to things in the best quality)

My point is that the average person can't tell an mp3 from a cd from a
record from a cassette.  Record companies just want control of what ever 
listen to.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ronan Chris Murphy [mailto:looper@venetowest.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 5:29 PM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: Record Industry Decline

On Jul 5, 2007, at 5:02 PM, Travis Hartnett wrote:
> I believe that was actually DAT recorders that were to have the notch.

When DAT machines were introduced as a consumer product, they were  
introduced with a fixed sample rate of 48k so that people could not  
make digital clones of CDs which are 44.1k. Film and TV post houses  
adopted 48k as a new pro standard (probably because the 48k only  
machines were cheaper) causing hell and confusion for people in the  
audio industry. Pro DAT machines could work at either sample rate.

Ronan Chris Murphy
www.venetowest.com (Production & mixing: King Crimson, Chucho Valdes,  
Steve Morse, Terry Bozzio, CGT...)
www.homerecordingbootcamp.com (Workshops around the world teaching  
the art and craft of recording )
www.livesofthesaints.net (The hottest ambient noise duo since Sonny &  

> TH
> On 7/5/07, bill bigrig <billbigrig@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Howdy,
>>  Does anyone remember the big battle to notch the
>> frequency of CDs to disallow duplication? One more
>> example of record company greed.
>> Rig