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Re: Might have to sell my echoplexii

hey patrick 

i am very interested in buying your echoplex  how much??

On Oct 13, 2008, at 9:25 PM, Patrick Suler wrote:

Hi everybody.

I might have to sell some of my precious toys. Sigh. Including my two Gibson Echoplex (s), and my SKB pedalboard w/3 space rack, which I think is called a ps100 or a ps110. It looks like this:


That is NOT my auction, just an illustration of what mine is. Also, I have a M-Audio Trigger Finger which I have programmed to control the edps. Its also labelled and decorated.

The EDPs are less than a year old, in fantastic shape, with only very minor scratches on top from being inserted/removed from the above rack. One of the foot controllers is even unopened.

I'd prefer to keep this in the LD family before going to ebay. I'm willing to entertain any reasonable offers, either for pieces or the whole shebang. If you live in the NYC metro area, then we can meet up.

Maybe my bummer can be your benefit.