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Ted I've been listening this morning and really love this, very dark and thick guitar tone just like some of what I heard at Y2K (sorry for your add'l grimlens but you undervalued your set, you did a lot of cool stuff before electric voodoo hit).  Like the ReverbNation mix a lot, some really intense stuff in there plus some of the harmonic sort of bounce stuff is really interesting.  Good muse!  Great to finally have met you and look fwd to your piece in ReUse.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 7:49 PM, tEd ® kiLLiAn <tedkillian@charter.net> wrote:
Hey gang,

I just thought I mention that I put up a whole bunch of old and new music up on Reverb Nation for live streaming.

I just thought I'd open myself up for pubilc ridicule a bit more.

Go to: <http://www.reverbnation.com/tedkillian>

About 99% of it is looping music.

Some of the material dates back to the '80s and includes some of my very first recordings.

About half of it was recorded live in various places around Southern California.

So . . . if you're lookin' for a helpless old geezer to make fun of . . . now's your chance.

Hours and hours of sadistic entertainment.

Cheers, Cheetos and Cheese Whiz . . .


The Acoustic World Guitar of Jim Goodin  - http://www.jimgoodinmusic.com
MySpace (solo) - http://www.myspace.com/jimgoodinmusic
Chinapainting -
Chinapainting on My Space -
The Jim Goodin label and home for 7 other creative souls - http://www.woodandwiremusic.com
Jim Goodin uses GHS Strings - http://www.ghsstrings.com and Seagull Guitars - http://www.seagullguitars.com, Jim Goodin is published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. - http://www.melbay.com