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Re: Rép : Multi-tracks loopers questions

phillip wilson wrote:
> the last time I looked at this, th e LP1 had just come out. I loved 
> can I set up an fcb1010 button to begin to count multiple cycles of the 
> currantly recorded material , whilst adding a new longer layer of sound 
> and then upon a second press round this  to the next cycle boundry 
> ....IE a la EDP?

There are 2 things you can do with the LP1.
They both round to the loop boundary on the second press.

1) Sync Record another track to an existing one... the 
   length of the new track will be an exact multiple
    of your designated master track.

2) Sync Bounce your track to another track, while adding new audio.
   This is equivalent to the EDP Next>>Multply function. The new
    track will be an exact multiple in length of the old, and
    the old track will be automatically muted.

No looper, hardware or software exactly emulates the EDP's multiply,
but those 2 functions of the LP1 probably cover the musical results
 that you want to achieve.

The LP1 doesn't support "Cycles", but you can
use a short loop as "Master" for sync purposes.

andy butler