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Re: Settling with the Gordius MIDI foot pedalboard

nice review Per,

just a few comments

Per Boysen wrote:

> Related to the FCB the LG2 offers two (or four) more switches per
> bank, if adding external switches to the 10 switches on the board.
> There are four jacks for externals and you can configure them as you
> want regarding number of external switches vs expression pedals. I
> have settled with using two extra switches and two expression pedals
> (I heard Andy Butler runs his LG set up for 4 expression pedals).

my LG1 was modded for 4 expression pedals, don't think I
got round to using that tho'.

The LG2 is planned to allow TWO switches per external socket,
or an expression pedal.
So that's up to 8 extra switches. Until the firmware upgrade
there's a limited no of options 

Also the expression pedals offer the possibility
of switching at toe up and toe down. 
(many options for that)

Latest thing is that the LG will switch on your wah 
when you operate the pedal, and turn it off when 
you leave the pedal alone.
(just released)

> The LG2 has room for 250 banks (FCB limited to 10) but I only use 8

LG also offers something called a setlist.
Each setlist has an arbitrary number of songs,
'each which call up a bank, *and* optionally call up
a preset.
Using a "Song" to control one device is a very neat strategy
for looping.
Then, you can have as many banks as you like on the LG,
but by using one setlist you can just have easily available
a few banks that you want for a particular session.

On very neat feature of as "Song" when used to control one
device is that the associated preset can assing the footcontrollers
to that device. 

> The architecture of the Gordius builds on three levels: Patches,
> Presets and Banks.

Apparently this simplifies with the release of the new firmware.
Hopefully without losing the flexibility.

> A cool thing is that you can create more of them all
> than you actually assign to be used in the banks you perform with, and
> this makes room for experimenting and developing exciting setups "on
> the side".

right, and with the setlist mode you can put whole banks 
"on the side"

> One should definitely use the USB cable and the Windows software to
> set up the pedalboard. A Mac OS version of the editor is planned, but
> I would advice Mac musicians to dedicate 5 GB drive space for a
> Bootcamp partition with Windows only to run the Gordius Control Center
> editor application.

good advice from Per

> For all the Gordius deepness I have not covered here, check out the
> manual at http://www.gordius.be/

I'm still hassling Xavier for the switchable midi routing option.

I think he's trying to work it so that the LG can run a script/sequence
loop and still respond to button presses.
