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Re: Comparing 2 items of control.

:) … I didn't mean to leave Per out! I forgot he's using a Gordius, too!



On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you have a computer in your rig you won't need The Missing Link
> because Hexler now offers (quote):
> "TouchOSC Bridge is a standalone tool application for Windows and Mac
> OS X that relays MIDI messages sent from TouchOSC to any MIDI capable
> application on your computer and vice versa. TouchOSC version 1.8 or
> higher is required to use this application."
> I use the Gordius Control Center for Mac OS X and of course it is very
> well designed. What else would you expect from Xavier? :-)  I checked
> how many MIDI events you can make one switch send out (instantly) but
> after passing 50 I stopped counting. Maybe there is 128, maybe there
> are thousands.... I suggest you post your more advanced questions to
> the Gordius User's list, http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/GORDIUS/
>  Myself I just use the Gordius to send out simple events and then I
> program more advanced stuff as control MIDI files or Mobius scripts to
> be triggered.
> As for "pros and cons" I would say that it comes down to what you want
> to use your hands for when performing. Myself I like to play
> instruments so the Gordius serves me best (as it is foot controlled
> and frees up hands for playing). I think the iPad is good too, but for
> performing it is not an option for me since it occupies both your eyes
> and your hands (body parts that should serve the audience and
> instruments when on stage IMHO). Staring into a screen on stage is
> sending a sort of stupid message that I rather leave for other artists
> to develop. Nevertheless I'm planning on finding a way to attach an
> iPhone to my Stick in order to not always having to bring the Gordius.
> It really is more about the music than about the gear.
> Greetings from Sweden
> Per Boysen
> www.perboysen.com
> http://www.youtube.com/perboysen
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:24 AM, mark francombe 
> <mark@markfrancombe.com> wrote:
>> I would like you guys to compare the following possible purchases and 
>> their
>> Pros/Cons as I see them, in my personal situation:
>> Its between the Gordius Little Giant Footpedal
>> and an iPad operating thru the missing link and Touch OSC.