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Yes, there's DoorX, to which I subscribe. I also subscribe to Digital Guitar Digest. I see posts from Kim in both places and from Jon in the former, and learned of this list from one (both?) of the lists. Here's the trailer from a *digest* (:) version of DoorX: > OTHER STUFF > > To leave / join this mailing list or have your thoughts in the next >issue, > please send electronic mail to Door X at the following address: > > > You can contact the editor (Pete Cole) directly at the following >address: >, or through the SSEYO Koan website at > ... > > Note : if you mail either of the above addresses on a Torn-related >issue, > and definitely do *not* want your post in the next issue, then >please mark > your mail as such ! Thanks ! > > Surf the awesome Torn Web site courtesy the one and only Jeff Stuit, >at : > > > Visit Anil Prasad's INNERVIEWS website featuring in-depth interviews >with > some of the world's most interesting and innovative musicians - >including > David Torn - at : > > > Visit the CMP records web page at : >... > > Torn can be sent e-mail via : > > Snail mail address : > C/O Texture, Box 465, Bearsville, NY, USA 12409. > > [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] > [] END OF DOORX [] > [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Enjoy, Pat Hickey ***SPH