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Re: Sorting it all out

>the one that they should have to be doing.  (No doubt a book could be
>written about the hassles engendered through working with Oberheim on the
>project -- I don't imagine they treated G-Wiz with oodles more respect
>than they treat their customers).

Term definition:

Gibson Guitar: Medium sized corporation with various divisions. Known for
swallowing small, screwed up companies with good names and screwing them up
even more. Currently providing Les Paul and Chet Atkins very comfortable

Oberheim: Famous synth company founded by Tom Oberheim and lost to a shady
lawyer and a bank over a decade ago. Bought by Gibson in late eighties,
brought back to life about 3 years ago. Very tiny, primarily does final
assembly, repairs, sales, marketing, shipping, and such. No R&D or

G-WIZ Labs: The Gibson Western Innovation Zone, essentially defunct R&D
division of Gibson Guitar. High profile, developing lots of exciting
technology, much of it based on research from cnmat and ircam. Well funded,
able to do anything it pleased for much of its lifespan. (including
dictating to Oberheim what it would and would not be selling) In 1995 g-wiz
was devastated by legal troubles and resulting low morale, essentially
imploding around the last weeks of 1995. Remnants have survived through
this year, one employee left.

Matthias Grob: Independent inventor, created the Paradis LoopDelay with
Eric Obermuelner. Licensed it to Oberheim. G-wiz worked with Matthias to
redesign the LoopDelay into the Echoplex we all know and love.


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com