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Hi there. I thought I'd inquire if there were any midi looposts out there that are familiar with an older program called JamFactory by the now defunct (I believe) Intelligent Music company. It's an algorhythmic composition tool that allows you to record up to four different musical parts, patterns or motifs (via midi) of variable and indepentent length (according to RAM amount). And then play about with them as they repeat, causing them to evolve and change into something new and different in deliberate or random ways over the course of time. Once created these patterns can be repeated, mixed, morphed, sliced, diced, and transmogrified beyond all recognition (ad infinitum) in a very interactive way. And, the entire mixing, morphing process can be then recorded globally as what is refered to in the manual as a "movie" of all of the activities of the opperator. It's a rather interesting program that seems to be little known anymore. I was wondering if any of the rest of you had heard of it. It's quite fun to play with if you ever get a hold on a copy. I got it second-hand myself from another composer friend. Ted Killian