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Matthias stated:" I really appreciate your extended answeres and kind posts, Greg! For products that are out of production, or rather an abandoned product line, I find Lexicons position remarkable, or do you do it out of a personal interest?" Matthias Thanks for the kind comments, Matthias. I take great pride in Lexicons products and our history. You will notice that all of my postings are during business hours Eastern Standard Time. Our official policy is that products are supported for at least five years after they were last shipped from our factory. We will always try to be as helpful as possible to anyone who owns any of our products as it's only common sense that if you satisfy your past customers they will remain to be future customers. I try to respond in as timely manner as possible and I find it personally embarrassing that people are actually surprised when a phone call is returned. Best regards, Greg Hogan Lexicon Customer Service Phone 617-280-0372 FAX 617-280-0499 email: