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As Carlos mentioned, the Kyma software can build sound algorithms that use any number of synthesis techniques. One of the really nice things is that their software is designed to make building algorithms fast and easy. Most operations are based on a drag-and-drop metaphor, and there are many useful shortcuts. Another thing about their software that is nice is that, unlike MAX, in which almost everything has to be set up graphically (which can be *very* tedious), Kyma allows the programmer to express some parameters in mathematical expressions, or even write Smalltalk scrips to modify or generate sounds. In reference to Matthias' questions, most parameters on sound objects (such as delay times, frequency settings, filter bandwidth and frequency) are controllable in real time, and without glitches. Put an lfo on a short delay, and you get a flanger. (Delay lengths can be specified in a number of ways, such as in seconds, or samples, or relative to something else) Control signals can come from midi, or all sorts of other things, frequency trackers, envelope followers, other audio signals, or signals built by processing other signals. When I was there, a Peavey PC1600 fader box (16 programmable midi faders and assorted buttons) was set up to control sound parameters. This is what I used during the looping test (no foot controller available). One interesting patch used an evelope follower to control a pitch shifter, the louder the signal, the higher the shift. The result, when combined w/ a few filters, was an excellent "cartoonization" sound that with one filter setting made the speaker sound like goofy, and another setting made it more like daffy duck. Another nice patch involved a "harmonic resonator", a special kind of filter that resonates at a given pitch and all it's harmonics. It worked great w/ guitar, as you could 'play into' it, bending notes so that they resonated as they were bent into the resonated pitch. Probably the most unique capabilities of the system revolve around it's analysis and resynthesis capabilities. Their latest software version comes w/ a configureable vocoder w/ up to 70 filter bands. In addition to real time vocoding, you can analyize a sample (drums, vocals and animal sounds work best, due to their widely varying formants) to build a time-varying filter bank, and then use this filter bank to process a live signal. If the analysis sample is speech, and the filter is swept at the 'original' speed, the result sounds like a regular vocoding, but if you control the time sweep of the filter bank with, say a midi CC pedal, then you have a very customized sort of wah-wah pedal that you can rock to move forwards and backwards through the filters at will. (How about a meow-meow pedal? or a barking pedal, or a "Dammit" pedal, or a ...) For really hard-core stuff, you can use an FFT analysis to convert the signal from the time domain into the freqency domain, and do processing there (such as stretching or scaling harmonics, pitch and time shifting, etc), and then resynthesize the result using an oscillator bank. This is the approach used by Digital Performer 1.7 and others to do pitch shifting w/o ugly artifacts. Kyma can do this in real time, minus a 1/4sec delay due to FFT windowing issues (For a clear explanation of this, look for the Curtis Roads book I mentioned in the earlier post). Unfortunately it takes a Capybara w/ 5 to 6 cards to do this, but you can do the analysis on a sample ahead of time, and do the processing and resynthesis in real time and use fewer resources. The big FFT takes about 2.5 cards (according to Kurt Hebel) and you can get about 51 oscillators on each card for resynthesis. Another sound of interest is the waveshaper, which can be used to introduce new harmonics into a signal. Waveshapers are great for producing distortion, and the nice thing about the Kyma one is that the waveshaping function can be controlled in real time. In one patch, they had 8 sliders set to control the coefficients of the function. A bit too much for playing, but pretty good when searching for sounds. The only dissapointment I had was with the frequency tracker. It works amazingly well w/ vocals, but didn't do so great on a guitar. The response time was at least as good as a Roland GI-10 midi converter and it did track vibrato and other pitch nuances very well, but it would often guess the wrong octave, and get confused by string noise. However, this was only a first try and given some tweaking w/ filters and such, I bet that it can be improved to the point where it is accurate enough to be really 'playable'. One big change that would make it better would be to use hexaphonic input a-la GK2, which would restrict the pitch guessing range, and avoid multi-string noises. Currently Kyma only has 2 inputs and 2 outputs, but they are working on increasing this. They get many requests to increase the number of outputs, but Kurt said that this was the first time they had a solid reason for having multiple inputs, and that they would prefer to do an expansion w/ a balanced number of inputs and outputs. Carla, who plays harp, thought about it a bit and said that she really would like to have a 'digital' harp... Also as Carlos mentioned, it is expensive, $4400 for a 2 card system (the price slowly is going down, very slowly), and $600 for each expansion card. Each card has a 66Mhz 56002 w/ 3MB of RAM (all processing is 24 bit), and each card's ram can be expanded ($100 to push it to 12MB). In terms of the processing power available, I was able to get a simple (2 osciallators, filter, 2 envelopes, mixing and lfo) 4 voice synth running on a card, and I think an 11-band vocoder will fit on a card. It is not as efficent as a dedicated device, but is much more flexible, and does compare well w/ other music toys in its price range. It doesn't have all the neat programs that would come w/ a top-end Eventide box, but is a lot more flexible. Kurt and Carla both very much believe that an external DSP mainframe is preferable to processing using a general computer, and I tend to agree. Even though the DSP's are slower than the chips in new PC's, they are more efficent at processing audio and don't have to bother with the operating system overhead. Also, the capybara is expandable, and they plan to support faster chip speeds w/o having to force users to get a new mainframe. You could buy a 200Mhz PC or Mac and run CSound on it, but for serious programs it would consume all the available processing power, and would not be very upgradeable. Kyma can run simutaneously w/ a sequencer or MAX on a modest MAC or PC. Symbolic Sound is also working on a PC-card interface so you can use Kyma w/ a laptop. Probably the closest competitor is MAX/FTS from IRCAM in France. It is a version of MAX that can handle audio information. The audio processing bits are compiled and loaded onto custom hardware for processing (just like Kyma), problem is, they keep changing the hardware platform (first a Next box with intel i860 chips, then SGI, then PC's, and the latest rumor is that they're back to using Macs) and it's not a real product, but an ongoing research project. Kyma has been evolving for 10 years, and their software shows it, both in quality and depth. If you're really interested in more about Kyma, you can get the manual for $35+shipping, and there's also a good review in the July '95 issue of Electronic Musician, and, of course, they have a web site. jim