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G'day Motley, Please take this as a vote for less time/higher sample rate. From memory, the Boomerang gives you ~30 seconds at 32kHz with the base memory config; changing that to ...umm... e.g. ~20 seconds at 48kHz would be enough to convince me to buy one when I'm in the US again in May this year. Here's my criteria in choosing my (first) looper, which I'd guess would be pretty similar to a lot of other peoples'. For me, these are in decreasing order of importance: - sampling rate; must be CD-quality (44kHz) or close enough that I can hide it in a mix - cost (always close to the top!) - simplicity and capability of real time controls; preferably via MIDI - "extras" (backwards loop capability, cost/ease of expanding memory, speed/pitch changing capability, likelihood of surviving stage mishaps, etc.) The Boomerang wouldn't make my list due to sampling rate. It may well be good enough in real life (as you suggest), but I've got no way of testing that it would work for *me* at home, when I'm trying it out in a shop environment. Improve that and I'd be choosing between having MIDI control and some extra features (on the Echoplex), and saving $US150 or so to spend elsewhere on presents for my wife and child. As I'll be leaving my wife to look after our child for 2 weeks on her own while I'm travelling, guess which of these choices will be made for me...? Regards Dave Mitchell, in the heat of the Australian summer <Graphic image not retained> 03/19/97 11:03 AM To: @ SGP-GW1 cc: @ SGP-GW1 Subject: Re: Boomerang (back attcha) (fwd) nyfac wrote: > Kim made a great suggestion a while back when I wrote much the same > thing a while back- that the B-rang had a hugely long sample time, but a > pretty low sampling rate. I would own one of those bad boys right now > if I had half the sampling time and twice the sampling rate. > > Glad to see you are part of the list, Mike. Hope I put it politically > enough. Trevor, This group is nothing if not gentlemanly and gracious, unlike some other user groups I've visited where it seemed imperative that everyone convince the other that a certain guitar, amp, or artist was THE happening thing, and you were an idiot if you disagreed. I do take issue with one word: muddy. I regularly create 5 to 6 layer musical inventions with my electric guitar and/or GR-50 synth, and they sound very good to me. I have used my Boomerang with an acoustic guitar and with a mic to create percussion instrument loops; they too sound good. It is not CD quality sound, but neither is it muddy in my opinion. In another e-mail I mentioned an upcoming software release for the Boomerang Phrase Sampler, and Lee and I have discussed increasing the sample rate at that time. We have the ability to increase the sample rate, and are considering the trade off you mentioned: time and sample rate are inversely proporional. If one goes up, the other goes down. What would you guys like to see? Please tell me. I would dearly love to hear from you on this issue. On a highly related note, tell me how you use looping in your musical life: live performance, sound creation for recording, practice, song development, etc. -- == Motley == --