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Dear Cyclical Ones, I recently finished reading Charles Rosen's book titled "The Frontiers of Meaning- Three Informal Lectures on Music" Published by Hill & Wang circa 1994 (145 small pages). The following statement(back cover) seemed more "loop" oriented than I could avoid relating to this group. " Even more than literature and the visual arts, music can never be arrested by any system of analysis or interpretation, either formal or historical. It is natural to look outside or beyond the music, to find the ways in which it can temporarily and provisionally assume different kinds of signifigance. Nevertheless, music will not acknowledge a context greater than itself- social, cutural or biographical- to which it is convieniently subservient." Also wanted to mention for those who might be interested and not know already that Robert Fripp will be touring with the G3 tour this summer from the 17th of June thru the end of August across the U.S. contributing "soundscapes" to the program. Check your local listings for times and locals (In Colorado the word is it will be at Red to be announced). Loop On.... Bryan Helm