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Re: Record stores

well if you are going to pay $20 for a CD, "Polytown" is one that is worth
it,,i have found alot of good CD deals from ordering online,,,i mean some
hard to find used and new ones, our little local world music etc CD store
went belly up due to the effects of a Blockbuster music opening about a
block away,,,Blockbuster is slack,and expensive,,,of course i dont eat at
Mcdonalds either, why pay someone to poison my body and mind with
mediocrity? i am capable of doing that myself.
james rhodes

At 02:10 PM 7/8/97 +0200, you wrote:
>>>I paid $20.00 for my "Polytown" CD at Barnes and Nobels. It was worth 
>>>but..............just too much.
>>OK, I'll admit $20 is extreme for a CD. But did you look into buying a 
>>while at Barnes & Nobles? Which you'll probably read but once? It really 
>>so bad when you look at entertainment costs across the board. 
>>Jon Durant
>You guys are lucky. Here in Sweden you can咨 find new cd哀 for less than 
>(USD). There are some stores where you can buy used cd哀 but there are 
>mainstream music there.