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Had a real enjoyable time at TAGfest (Trenton Avant Garde Festival), both as a performer (in the duo "Invasion of Time" w/fellow Stick player/Loopist Jim Speer) and listener. A couple of observations: 1) Not one of the 5 (there may have been others that I missed in my wanderings) other musicians utilizing a looping device had heard of "Looper's Delight" or the mail list-a situation I corrected which should result in some more "signers on". 2) Of the 5 other loopers there, one (synthesist Mike Hopkins) was using a Mac 6400 running MOTU's Digital Performer to control sequences and loops. The others ("Ram Umbus"'s tuba player/vocalist and their guitarist, "N.C.17"'s guitarist and one other bands'-name forgotten- guitarist) all utilized the Diditech PDS 8000 pedal. Experimental guitarist Edward Chang (who w/partner Mokoto Shimizu make up "N.C.17") ran his PDS 8000 into a DODfx94 then into a Boss reverb/delay (2 sec.) pedal. Results? Real nice, both from a sonic standpoint as well as from an educational standpoint. I recently purchased a used PDS8000, mainly for nostalgic reasons-I got rid of mine in the upgrade (Jman) trail, and am inspired to try new things with this supposed "old technology". For the record Jim and I both used Jammen (I also used a DigiRDS8000) for our loopage. - Paul