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>ciao a tutti. >1> anyone can explain the technique of STUTTERING... Is 'stuttering' the 'd-d-d-d-d-d-d' sound on aggressive drum & bass tracks you mean (ala Squarepusher, Alec Empire, Plug, etc..)? I've also heard that referred to as "machine-gunning". I don't know how other people do it but I've approximated the effect with a Boss RV-3 Digital Reverb/Delay pedal by setting the regen on the highest setting, the delay time on the lowest/fastest setting and manually triggering it when an appropriate drum beat hits. Also when you twist the delay time knob it automatically makes the delay signal either cut off (typically the desired effect) or go haywire. The complete opposite of what the fabled Echo +/P(R)DS8000 does. I like to use the RV-3 before the PDS8000 so I can speed up or slow down the hits even more. Now what about "timestretching"? ed chang