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Hi , folks! I have a gear question (sorry Kim ,I need this). A year back I bought a secondhand Roland SRE 555 Chorus Echo. A friend of mine had just bought one and his was amazing; no noise ,no tape flutter and it looked mint. Needless to say, mine sucks. The reverb is dead , noise is plentiful and the echo is destroyed by a stuttering/fluttering which makes it useless. And I mean destroyed , not like a minor problem "like one must expect" from an analog tape-delay. No , something is really wrong and its killing me! "why wait a year before fixing it?" I hear you muttering, beneath the tape hiss. Coz I have been in a state of emotional and physical apathy. Picture this: young boy moves to the big city , and after settling in comes across a genuine tape-echo , the machine of his dreams!! After parting with his hard-borrowed money he takes his Holy Grail home by subway and foot. It was a dark and rainy night , my friends. Moist and cold , his trembling hands struggled to keep the Coveted One out of harms way. Aah , I was so naive! I did not remember the One and True Rule of Tape Echos: They have a mind of their own , they have temperament , If you mess with them they WILL retaliate! As I stumbled home , this strange feeling come in over me. Like a dark force had taken control , saying ; "Now you are mine...all mine". I heard laughter echoing across the hills as I ran the through the door. When I plugged it in and waited for Terje Rypdal to materialize I tought; "We`ll see who has the last laugh,he he!" It was if the 555 looked up at me and said "who needs digital , anyway?" I laughed out loud. Then I heard the gurgled sounds that came out , and I haven`t laughed since. I fell into an abyss , all energy and willpower sucked out. I went school , practised , played in bands , made polite conversation , but inside I was hollow. An empty shell. I spent the following months slowly returning to life , rebuilding my personality , waiting for the day that I could walk on stage and play through my Roland SRE 555. Then I found you. The last piece fell into place. The color returned to my cheeks , strenght was restored , hope revived. I was suddenly able to confront the problems, ask the questions that needed to be asked. Like , "how does one clean the tape-heads?" . Or rather, "Where are the tape-heads?". But most of all , "what the heck is a tape head?" . I found myself pondering over those eternal questions ; "Can I fix the reverb?" , "Is there a site on the net devoted to Tape-delays?" , "Where can I get new tapes?" And of course , this is where you fellow loopers come in. Now you have a unique chance to help someone , do something that matters, make a change in the world! My destiny rests in your mailbox , may it not go unnoticed. Yours truly, Thomas W