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Re: RE: RE:Fernandes guy at NAMM

>Hi Kim:
>Thanks for the sustainer report.  You mentioned ocsillators.  Have you 
>your hands on the Boss bass synthesis pedal that came out a while back and
>turns the bottom four strings of a guitar into something analogue synth 
>If you have, how does this compare to the Sustainer?
>The LoOpDoctOrs

I have the Korg G5, which is their take on the synth bass pedal meme. It's
great for getting cheesy analog-esque bass sounds, and has a very good
envelope filter, but it doesn't do endless sustain. It's tracking is kind
of flaky,  I've found that flat wound strings with the treble all the way
down get the best performance, and the synth tones will die out long before
the unaffected bass sound does. But it does get great sustaining tones with
E-bow'd bass.

BTW, I've been using E-bow on bass for years, and it works fine with 

Also, I just scored a  Fender Rhodes Stage 73 piano, in excellent condition
for next to nothing. Spent yesterday evening running it through every
effect I've got. The Vortex and Gonkulator make a particular potent

Just another moss-covered looper from the misty backwoods of Oregon,


Dave Trenkel : improv@peak.org  : www.peak.org/~improv/

"...there will come a day when you won't have to use
gasoline. You'd simply take a cassette and put it in
your car, let it run. You'd have to have the proper
type of music. Like you take two sticks, put 'em
together, make fire. You take some notes and rub 'em
together - dum, dum, dum, dum - fire, cosmic fire."
                                            -Sun Ra