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Re: question: mackie&jamman-vortex set

In a message dated 2/8/98 1:04:29 PM, Jesus Cuevas-Cardona wrote:

<<Hi, loopers:

I «ve a question:

I am a saxophone player and I like to loop my saxs(alto and baritone)

but  in my one man band I sing (overtone singing) and play another

instruments (experimental and home-made). I have a mackie 1202, a

vortex, a jamman, proteus 1&2 synth modules, and quadraverb. I need to

procese the signal of the four mono channels of the mackie, so i put

jamman and vortex in the sends and return both signals in channels 9-10

and 11-12. My question is: how can I do the quadraverb "wet" all the

signals in a controled way?. I have not another aux send to do this. I

don«t want to put jamman or vortex in line, because I need to use them

with my voice and another instruments at the same time. Can anybody help


This may be an inelegant solution, but here's what I do:  

Split your second aux send with a Y-cord -- send one half of Aux 2 to the
Vortex as usual; send the other half to the Quadraverb and bring it back on
one of your remaining stereo channels.  This should work, you just have to
keep in mind that whatever you send to the Vortex also gets sent to the
