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Trevor wrote: >I would like to thank you guys for putting the effort into this thread- >I think this my be one of the most interesting discussions we've had. I >am pleased that I've had the chance to soak a lot of this up. No kidding. Really exceptional contributions. Welcome to Loopers U, online! Also, thanks John S. for the "Music and Your Mind", and "Science and Music" book recommendations. (Sir James Jeans was a man of many talents. A Carl Sagan of the 1920's, he also wrote what was perhaps the most popular astronomy book of his day, "The Universe Around Us.") Until I get a chance to go to the library, I've put in a little time cruisin the net for more info on psychoacoustics, etc. Here's just a smattering of URLs; most likely nuthin new for the list's much appreciated technowizards (you guys probably had these bookmarked before you learned to walk, right? %^). But for us the rest of us mortals, there may be something useful. What I have not yet located are substantive references to how non-harmonic distortion components affect physiological response and perception -- including gender differences. If anyone comes across that sort of information, even peripheral, I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me know. If I find anything meaningful, I'll post it back to the list. Thanks! ciao, laurie ****************************************************************** Experimental Psychology Prof Chris Darwin's home page. Go down to "Teaching", and click on "Lecture Notes". This is from a 2nd year course in hearing and perception. Very comprehensive. Rudimentary, beginning college level 101 technical essays on sound and electronic music, from U of California at Santa Cruz. Take note, all you proud moms and pops raising enlightened little loopers and loopettes. They'll be ready for this all too soon... Chris Plack's ear page. He's a psychoacoustician, doing some interesting research. Kim mentioned CNMAT at UC Berkeley. Don't miss this one. and Director David Wessel: He's researching a tongue-triggered midi controller, among other things... Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. Their articles are indexed, but full text is not available online. Auditory home page. Adjunct to Auditory list, discussion group for organizational aspects of auditory perception. Archives, links, etc. Design philosophy and background info from Audio Note amplifiers. In "The Negative Effects of Feedback", section "The Problem", can be found a condensed description of (among other things) harmonic, non-harmonic, and time base distortion. Lengthy discussion on amplifiers. >From Wed Mar 11 21:51:13 1998