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At 10:03 PM 3/25/98 -0600, you wrote: >QUESTIONS FOR THE INTELLIGENTSIA/ANTI-INTELLIGENTSIA OR NEITHER OF LOOPDOM >BELOW!!(; > >QUESTIONS: >note: these questions may be rhetorical to some but try answering them, >you >may find it harder than you thought or that something new might come up... > >In general why loop or sample at all? I mean so what? I use loops when I find them necessary to create a specific mood or to allow me to layer parts when I feel it is appropriate to the music. My usage of loops is like my usage of reverb, distortion, acoustic vs. electric, six string vs. twelve string, etc. etc. It's what works for the song/piece being composed. Exploration is exploration, regardless of the tool. Its fun to create tracy stuff and see what kinds of rythms and noises I can come up with. Some get used, some don't. >Who has access, that is, look away from yourself and ask yourself why do I >do this? Why don't other people? Is it just that they don't know? Or is >there some differentiation you might like to take on? I don't really care who else does this. I'm not doing it because everybody else does or doesn't, but because I find it useful. Sharing ideas and philosophies with people across different styles is a nice plus. I'm not concerned about being in an elite clique who use looping and somehow that difference makes us hipper, I find that silly. Differentiation helps visiblity, so in a marketing sense, it can be useful. I have no problem taking advantage of that, but I don't feel "looping" is a distinct style of music any more than 'synthesizer' or 'fuzz guitar'is a unique style. >When you loop etc. what instruments or sounds do you tend to use and why? >What's so special about your guitar, your synth, and your loop/sample >product? Why is it relevant or why is it just slack? I mean really so >what? When I loop I use the instruments that I play or sounds I find effective. I use a VG-8 guitar system as it gives me a lot of useful sounds. Those I know how to use and room to explore and create new ones I haven't any clue about and can experiment with to my heart's content. And use them or not depending on whether they 'work' in a compositional sense. In addition, my partner, Cheryl, uses her looping device on her voice as her harp is played in a sitting on the floor position and she doesn't have any real leverage with her feet to work the pedals, and isn't running her bass through the mixer. The music we do is melodic and atmospheric. Some is free form and some is structured. We incorporate looping/sampling live on the fly into both types of pieces. What's special about what we have is they are the right tools for creating the music we hear in our heads and enabling us to perform that music live. >On the Echoplex what are your favorite choice knobs and what types of >sounds do you find most exciting? I hear all kinds of talk about how >exhilarating it is, does this live up to it's calling? What does >specificaly does the Echoplex do that rivets you to the Loopdom!? If you >don't use the Echoplex, why? and what do you use? Having been a JamMan user first, most of looping habits are built around JamMan technology. (ie., layered loops that repeat, sampling phrases in the misdt of live performance and triggering them, forwards and/or backwards,) The most obvious differences, to me, that are quick to grasp and incorporate on the Echoplex are the reverse and undo functions. This allows me to 'correct' loops when I don't find the accidental additions useful, helpful or desirable, and allows some additional flexibility and in adding then subtracting parts. Reverse allows for additional atmospherics and textures. There are lots of things that are idiosyncratic to the echoplex that I haven't had time to explore and work into my vocabulary. I like a device I can grow into. No device adds time to my day, however. That would be a lovely feature. > > >For Jamman users, what recently excites you so much to spend more than >half >of the recent discussions tooting your loops/delay? How long can you loop >as compared to the Echoplex, and how does it rate up for you? >Why or why not do you think it gives you an edge over other >guitarists/musicians? I don't find that it's a question of 'my looper is the best because' anymore than it's 'my guitar and amp are the best because'. Each one is a tool that has value because its features and limitations provide ways to accomplish things. Sometimes it makes sense for the tool to be transparent, sometimes its nice to make it obvious. I find the exchange of ideas and techniques on this list very valuable. Many of us don't have the luxury of spending 40 to 60 hours a week every week working with our loopers. When someone takes a large block of time and experiments, it's great to have a report as that type of experimentation may provide useful information and insight for the rest of us until such time as we can return the favor. My JamMan loops for 32 seconds and my Echoplex for 198 seconds. The advantages to me are that I can add a lot of texture, play liones over changes, solo over patterns, harmonize things and do a lot of stuff it would otherwise take three or four guitarists to do and not have the problems of having four guitarists in the band. Artistically, I'm quite happy being half of a duo. The use of loopers allows us the ability to sound like there are more of us live. >Almost lastly, is there a sampling looping culture? This kind of reflects >earlier, but here we sit typing email to a list, this implies something of >our nature. Also the locale of most of the individuals, and numerous >other >issues unbeknownst to me. What might typify loopers/samplers? Is that >everything does, "hell we could be anybody?!" And further is there a >certain communion experienced? > >And hey who knows maybe you will learn something? Eh? >Mind-bending concept@! Amen. Frank Gerace Dreamchild