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A) What's wrong with pontificating over gear. Haven't we been doing it since the day after birthdays-Xmas-Hannuka-et al forever now? B) I'm a studio musician too, though I've got nothing against playing behind Milli or Vanilli. I suggest the writer misses the subtle sublimity of the act. Anyhow, I've just moved from SF to NY and looking for work. (You can use Kim Flint as my reference.) N On Wed, 5 Aug 1998, THOMAS W ROADY wrote: > Pontificating over gear! Give mne a break! Some people have their heads >up > their you know whats. While there they should take a big whiff of their >own > personal rose garden. I hope this is definition enough. > > > >So again I'll apologize. I'm sure your what you do musically is just as > >interesting and emotional as making a really good french fry. Perhaps >Millie > >Vanillie is looking for studio musicians for their comeback album. You >may > >want to audition for the project > > I am a studio musician and boy do I take offense at this remark. So what > makes you think of studio musicians in such low regard? Because we can >and > do make are living playing music, even if it is other people's > compositions. I still enjoy and make the time to work on my own writing >and > music which is every bit as interesting and emotional and valid as your > own.