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THE FIRST EUROPEAN LOOP-PROJECT You咬e a guitar-, bass-, Stick TM,- or Warrguitar player, a violinist or cellist and you work with Loop-Gear? You want your Loops or your Loop-oriented music to be published on a CD? Be part of the FIRST EUROPEAN LOOP-PROJECT! The first European Loop-Project is a CD-Sampler of Loop-oriented music and will feature 12-15 European Loop-artists. The CD will be produced and distributed by HOME Production in association with Sonnenengel Musik and Aquarius International Distribution. If you want to participate and get your music on this CD check out our rules: 1) Send your DAT-tape, CD, Minidisc or high quality audio-tape, a short biography and the filled out application below to HOME Production, Liegnitzerstr. 12, 65191 Wiesbaden, Germany Make sure your DAT, disc or tape is labeled with your name and address. 2) The piece of music may not exceed 6 minutes in length and must be your/your band愀 original work. 3) There愀 no limit in style or musical direction, but it should be recognizable that your music is based on Loops!! 4) Every participant featured on the CD has to pay 150,00 DM and will get 10 CDs. Further you can order additional CDs for 12,00 DM (+ shipping & handling). (For example: If you you order 10 CDs for 12,00 DM you will get 20 CDs for a total of 270,00 DM. If you sell 15 CDs for 25,00 DM you will have 375,00 DM and still have 5 CDs for your girlfriend, boyfriend, your grandmother etc.) Don咨 pay now!! You will be notified and you have to return a signed contract and you pay after that procedure. 5) HOME Production is allowed to change your master for technical reasons (noise-reduction, compression etc.). No musical changes will be done without your agreement. If you have any further questions contact us at the above adress or drop us a line at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Application Name:_______________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________________________ Postal Code:__________________________________________________________ Country:_____________________________________________________________ Phone/Fax/E-mail:_____________________________________________________ Age:________________________________________________________________ Titel:________________________________________________________________ ( Solo recording ( Band recording (add bandname, and bandmembers on an extra sheet) Used instruments: ___________________________________________________________________