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I started looping in earnest in 1979-1980 in Ames, Iowa. I was a college student at the time and had access to all sorts of cool A/V equipment at the University. On weekends, I took home two Revoxes and did the "Frippertronics" thing with a longish tape loop. I was playing in a heavy metal chamber orchestra at the time ("The Nameless Anarchist Horde") and tried to bring looping into our performances, without much luck. My recollection was that everybody had trouble relating to rhytmic idiosyncracies and suchlike. Anywho, I bagged it and wited until I had a decent digital delay pedal (something by Digidesigns with a sampling option...don't recall the name) in the mid 80s. Then samplers in the early 90s. Then a JamMan when it first appeared. Now a maxed EDP. Heaven, I'm in Heaven. Hasta -> Dr Rico