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Re: backing solo performances

well i believe it can both ways we all nedd balance baby BALANCE...loop and
distort the fuckin' mindisks do vocals use toys destroy the source of the
>From: Matt Davignon <mdavig@sfsu.edu>
>To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>Subject: Re: backing solo performances
>Date: Fri, Jul 2, 1999, 5:47 PM

>I have to agree with Mike. I saw an experimental show a few months ago. 
>of the musicians had all sorts of neat stuff in front of him to play. 
>he got around to doing his set, he played a minidisc recording of himself 
>and played his stuff to the already generated musical background. He 
>reminded me of Janet Jackson concerts where they play a CD of the music 
>just dance in front of it.
>On the other hand, I really enjoy musicians who create the backing loops 
>they play, then switch instruments and play or loop the other parts 
>I always thought that was really cool.
>Michael Tuminello wrote:
>> Hi -
>> my original plan was to do something similar (probably midi synth + 
>backing only), until I saw a guy @ Sidewalk cafe in NY do this. He seemed 
>like an accomplished musician - he had arranged string tracks and all 
>of crazy backing for his stuff.
>> However, the end result for me was that I felt like he was playing 
>karaoke. I had the feeling that he wasn't even singing or playing guitar 
>anymore, and that it was all recorded. (Not true, but that's what it felt 
>like to me.) At that point I decided that a full band was the way to go.
>> Other people may have differing opnions (I'm sure they will), but you 
>should try to check out someone who performs like this before you totally 
>commit to doing it yourself, in my opinion. I went from no doubt that it 
>would work to completely discarding the idea.
>> MT
>>      Greetings:
>>      In the most recent issue of Guitar Player magazine, there is an 
>article on the use of MiniDisc backing tracks for live performances by 
>artists. This article is timely for me because I'm currently developing a 
>repertoire of recorded rhythmic and ambient accompaniment to supplement 
>guitar looping for solo live performances. My desire is to maintain an 
>improvisational element in my performance but also to give the gig some 
>structure with the accompaniment, which I'm committing to CD via my new 
>CD recorder. I would like to hear from other members of this list who are 
>doing similar things. I'd be interested in hearing how others use 
>accompaniment (what kind of medium, what desired effects are being 
>achieved, etc..).
>          e but
>          e but