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Things are quiet 'round here

Things seem to have gotten awful quiet on this list... are Jon, Matthias,
the LoOpDoCtOrS et al still about, or is it summer vacation season?

Of those of us who are left, has anybody tried inserting FX into their
feedback loops? I've been thinking about this - it strikes me as a great 
to "thicken up" a loop, but on the other hand once the signal's been around
the FB loop a few times it'd be so effected it'd sound like an exposion at
Digitech's Preset factory.  Comments?


PS On an unrelated note, two posts in yesterday's digest should NOT have
neen next to each other:

>>> 3) Will it UNDO my circumcision?
>>Only if you attach alligator clips to the rack mount
>>bracket of the EDP, and hang the EDP onto what remains
>>of your forskin for a week, or until you achieve the
>>desired effect.

the next (actually unrelated) EMail was:
>And then, how about placing video-clips on the Gibson site so that people
>can see how easy it all is...

Mike Hughes, Ph.D.               Tel: (+44) 1483 300800 x2344
Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering,    Fax: (+44) 1483 306039
University of Surrey,            EMail: m.hughes@surrey.ac.uk
Guildford, Surrey, UK    www.surrey.ac.uk/MME/Research/BioMed