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WDIY 88.1 FM "EMUSIC" Top 20 report to New Age Voice for June, 1999. (Shows #121 to #124; 1-July-1999 to 22-July-1999 Reported in alphabetical order by album title. Compiled by Bill Fox, ARTIST - ALBUM TITLE - LABEL ============================ Telomere - Astral Currents - Evenfall Steve Roach - Body Electric - Projekt Ian Boddy - Box of Secrets - DiN Kubusschnitt - The Case - none Redshift - Down Time - Champagne Lake Steve Roach - The Dream Circle - Timeroom Synergy - Electronic Realizations for Rock Orchestra - Third Contact Robert Rich - Inner Landscapes - Hypnos Dom F. Scab - Innerseed - Free Records Fanger & Kersten - Interkosmos - Manikin Paul Nagle - Lore - Neu Harmony Various - Mind Out - Wandering Aimlessly Biff Johnson - Mirage at the Crossroads - Broad Vista Dweller at the Threshold - No Boundary Condition - Eurock Steve Roach - Quiet Music - Fortuna Various - Soundscape Gallery Vol 3 - Lektronic Soundscapes Various - SpaceTranceTronicsNight1999 - Manikin TUU & Nick Parkin - Terma - Hearts of Space Cerulan - This Level, Earth - none Saul Stokes - Zo Pilots - Hypnos