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If you still have a problem sending real audio from your server check to be sure the mime type is defined. The real audio files 'mime type' - mail information multimedia extensions must be defined by the server mime configuration file. Mime sends the proper file type info to the requester - your browser to open it with helper apps. Send a note to the admin asking to edit the server mime type and add file types for ra, rm, ram and smil, midi mp3 etc. types If the admin is unavailable you can usually overide the mime type settings by uploading a text file named .htaccess with proper override mime commands for these types fo files to the directory where the files are. The mime settings, in either the directory's .htaccess file (that you created) or the servers mime conf file (that the admin edited) might look something like this, though I'm not sure I'm doing this from memory and I don't know what server you use? allowoverride = yes AddType audio/x-pn-realaudio AddType audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin AddType audio/x-pn-realaudio ra rm AddType audio/mpeg mp3 m3u Action audio/mpeg AddType audio/x-midi mid paul buelow wrote: > > Anthony Mullen wrote: > > > > Hi folks, > > > > My service provider (globalnet) are crap and don't host real audio >logicals > > that I need to stream from my webspace.. > > > > Question is - is there a way around this - by installing some sort of >server > > side program to do this? > > > > To http stream real audio from any server > > 1) Make your .rm file, preferably in encoder 5.0 (most > compatible) at your chosen rate, for example 20/kbs and > save the file i.e. audiofile.rm > > 2) Use a text file editor and make a new file that has > the url of the .rm file, for example the file can > inlcude one or more lines that would read > save the file as > audiofile.ram > > 3) Post both files on the server and link to the .ram > file for streaming and the .rm for download. > > General preference: > 56k modem users can usually stream a file at 16kbs or > 20kbs reasonably. MP3 can also be streamed using a > similar method naming the 'wrapper' file audiofile.m3u > > MP3 is quite good for high quality files or 128kbs and > real audio is very nice for low quality.