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Wow! This is going downhill fast... writes... > jeeze, it's not like these guys were exchanging urls for pay porn sites. they were talking shop -- loopers discussing an instrument they use in looping... And by extension... the motor size of the auto one drives to the looping gig... Do Elixers LOOP better for some reason? Kim's post (the list owner and maintainer) was a nice reminder of what we're here to discuss... Entertaining too! Maybe you're just taking it a little too personally. I WAS getting tired of that string thread... > in fact, in this whole thread, your own post makes you look most like who you describe when you insult half the people on this list -- a ranting, self-important, calloused jerk. Admittedly, Kim likes to poke fun at us geetar guys... (although he's one hisself as well). Remember... Kim could moderate the list and make it a whole lot less fun. 8-b We're here as guests in an all volunteer sorta place... > if this is the sort of tone you wish to set here then unsubscribe me. because it is you who are off-topic. at least until you change the list name to Loopers-Full-Of-Themselves. Now there's an offer which might satisfy everyone! Miko Biffle "Running scared from all the usual distractions..."