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There is a rhythm to everything including stillness. But I do know that I'm at my threshold of tolerance in regard to spacey music that barrels endlessly with no counter point ( or point ) of either melody and interesting or engaging rhythm. Being boring for the sake of being boring is all too common, even on the dance floor. I just wish there were more ways to isolate and slap a loop around without adding to the loop per se but still having the option of putting layers/tracks in the loop if so desired. But I'd like to do it with one unit instead of 2 or more. whether its 2 secs or 4 minutes of loop time it would be neat to have morpheus like z-plane set of f/x/filters and controls to twist individual layers/traks...& I guess I'm dreaming of perhaps a more intelligent and souped - hybrid vortex - EDP w/a long loop time thingey of sorts but i would also like the ability to be able to save and recall 2 or more trackscertain # of tracks and get midi features too. aNY IDEAS ON HOW OR WHERE U CAN FIND ONE OF DESE BAD BOYS ? ooos cap lock got stuck JP