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Re: PMC-10

>>> andre <andre@monmouth.com> 12/07 12:15 AM >>>
doesn't this thing use the evil (and useless) .MIDI itself....???
hmmm. andre'

Ummm... would you like the possibility of using one pedal to increase
your feedback while lowering your output level to keep things
balanced? How about a single pedal move to fade in a reverb, remove a
delay and increase the distortion of patches on three different dsp's?
Or maybe send note on/note off info for a huge chord on a synth
module? Or assigning one button to change patches on three different
dsp's, start a drum machine, play a bass note AND start your EDP
recording? All this and more can be done via midi... now if you just
plain don't like the WORD midi that's entirely another quandry... 


Kim so kindly led us to PMC-10's (I've got two so they're all
>>Hi this is Jon from Alto Music.I may have a couple of the PMC-10's
>>around.Brand new in a box I believe.Let me know if anyone needs