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sync-ing non-midi loopers/ cheap stereo loopers???

I was wondering:
Say you had two non-midi loopers (headrush A and headrush B).   Would it 
possible to open them up, disconnect the footswitches in A; then hook up 
footswitches in B to both units (i.e., one set of footswitches for two 
units)?  The $64000 question is: Since both loops are starting/ending at 
same time, would they stay in sync or IS THERE SOMETHING INTERNAL THAT 
CAUSE THE LOOPS TO FLUCTUATE?  I have no idea what makes a looper loop 
(magic?) so I'm hoping one of the list's more tech orientated-types (Kim?) 
would perhaps be able to offer some insight.  If in fact there weren't any 
fluctuations between the two (or three, ten, etc.) you could then sync up 
non-midi loopers or, (maybe even better ) go out of a stereo processor 
the duo(left-A; right-B).  Of course you'd have two god-damned wall warts 
contend with but what do you want for about $300?  (please do not clog up 
list with answers to that question) :-)
just wondering