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Unfortunately, I remember from AH idscussions that the delay time is very, very small. There's no extra ram in the hardware design for the type of echo/loop delay lines we're thinking of, so the situation isn't likely to change... I wouldn't be surprised to see this capability in the next generation of Clavia Modulars though, and that would be a VERY attractive package for audio mangling. Mark >I'm curious to see whether anyone on the list is using the Nord Modular >or Nord Micromodular synths ( in their >looping setups.... apart from being very cool 'virtual modular synths', >they have analog ins and an "audio mod" group of modifiers : > >I wonder what the max time on the delay line is ? Having a dedicated >hardware box for processing is sweet to me - you do the editing of >patches on your PC, then unplug the box and take it to the gig.... > >Darcy