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most sound editing software can now save in realaudio format (e.g. windoze platform: sound forge). check the respective websites for file format patches etc. if you want to make a downloadable format, why not mp3? the cool thing with real audio you can make both a download link and a streaming link with only one physical sound file. to do this: 1) encode the audio (audio.rm) 2) make the download link point to audio.rm 3) make a text file with the absolute path ( as the content and save it as audio.ram 4) make the streaming link point to audio.ram hth, rob ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -the man cable- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David Myers schrieb: > > > I hope I will be forgiven for being such a relic, but can someone tell me > what I need to create Real Audio files so I can put up some sound samples > on my site? In my experience, streaming often sucks so I just want to >make > a few things available for download. I'm on Mac.... > > David Myers