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At 04:01 PM 4/26/00 +0100, you wrote: >>>>A bit off topic, but I just got Napster from my friend and it is >spectacular!! Basically, Napster is a program which establishes a network >of mp3 users. Since everyone is sharing, you can get pretty much >anything! >Completely free, no hassles, search by artist. It is simply amazing.<<< > >Hey, save yourself the bother - just break into people's houses and steal >their CDs - amounts to the same thing. actually, it would be more like breaking into your favourite record store... only i don't think you can get many viruses breaking into record stores. m ===================================================================== = = = M a r k C h r i s t e n s e n = = Cramped Quarters Studio / Jasperpottamus Music Publishing = = internet: = = = = = =====================================================================