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Re: loopers radio station.

O Mark,

Thanks for stepping back into the fray in a more magnanimous frame of

mark red wrote:
> Is it that people can't take critisism or that the wording of my initial
> was a tad crass (which offended everyones sensitive musicians ears)?

In my case, it's the fact that I didn't see any evidence whatsoever that
you had actually listened to my track!  

I don't mind hearing criticism -- in fact I *really like* to hear what
people think of my music, good or bad.  But when you make a post stating
that everything on the LD radio station sounds like either a broken CD
player or (at best) a Fripp or Torn imitation, I have to doubt if you
even gave all of the material a listen.

> The band I used to play with recieved pages and pages of critisism both
> constructive and ferociously personal (my favorite was from one review
> in the NME, which stated that "...the Cranes sound like a baby locked in
> a toolbox"!!!) 

My favorite of mine thus far was the magazine music editor who emailed
me "about your band, The Disruption Theory."  He also accidentally (?)
sent an email to me which was intended for one of the other workers at
his magazine, in which he suggested that "Disruption Theory bite [sic]
dog balls."  So don't worry, Mark, I've heard worse!

> I know It can hurt, but you learn to live with it and
> whats more you can start to analyse what you do from a different
> perspective. 

Well again, ifÊI hear an obviously informed opinion from someone who's
clearly checked out my material, that's not a problem.  If I'm to judge
from your post, then you don't (yet) fall into that category.

> I thought I was on topic, and was expecting discussion to follow ABOUT
> THE MUSIC on the radio site...

I think there are more productive ways to foster discussion, but I would
*love* to see more discussion about *LOOPING* on this list.  I'm also a
bit dismayed that I seem to be the only person on LD radio to personally
step up and defend their music...

An ironic thing is that my computer is *so* ancient that I can't even
play mp3 or RealAudio files, so I have no idea what any of the other LD
radio station tracks sound like.  I might agree with your opinion about
some of the tracks if I could actually hear them.  Even then, though, I
think there's a right and a wrong way to try and spur discussion on a
list, and making foul-tempered, unspecific, indistinct criticism is not
my preferred modus operandi.

But I'll tell you what, Mark, I'd be delighted to hear anything you have
to say about my music, be it the track on LD Radio or anything on my
sounds page at 


be it good, bad, or indifferent.  I make no excuses, apologies, or
qualifications: it is what it is, and I stand behind it.  Whatever you
think, though, please tell me *why* you think it!


--Andre LaFosse