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- To: <>
- From: support <>
- Subject: Re: Foot Control for Repeater!
- Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 14:04:00 -0600
on 7/30/00 7:51 AM, at wrote: > Dear Electrix > Being a total slave to fx processors, I've watched your products with >much > interest...but also frustration, since, as a guitar player, to me FOOT > CONTROL is ESSENTIAL! > Now that you've REALLY gotten my interest with REPEATER, I'm writing to > EXHORT you to empower MIDI foot control of all functions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > ESPECIALLY, this device MUST be able to record, playback and loop without > hands on! > Autolooping is crucial!!! (like a delay line...) > There's more to your market than DJ's and post-processing remixers!!!!! > Thankyou..... > Yours if it's foot-controllable and real-time, > David Coffin David, you will be glad to know that Repeater is totally foot controllable and Real Time. I spent many an hour reading through the Looper's Delight archives before penning the product specification. And while it does not do all the esoteric things ambient looper's want, Repeater will make a lot of people smile. Hopefully yourself included. Stay tuned to the Web for more information. We are involved in Looper's Delight discussions. Best Regards, Darrell Smith Darrell Smith € Director of Technical Support € Electrix € The Future of Remix € 6710 Bertram Place € Victoria € BC € Canada € V8M 1Z6 Tel (250)544-4164 € Fax (250) 544-4100 € email Electrix is a div of IVL Technologies