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Playlist for EMUSIC #212

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EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show, airs each Thursday
at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA and 93.9 FM in
Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ.

                    Show #212                    April 12, 2001.

On this show, I began the month-long focus on <James Johnson who will be
featured at the next Gathering.  The feature CD at midnight was Entering
Twilight on the Hypnos label.

I also played music by Baird Hersey as a preview to the next Gathering.  
is the leader of Prana, an eight member group that employs overtone 
singing methods.

James Johnson       
The Gathering       http://wdiyfm.org/emusic/events.html
Hypnos              http://hypnos.com


ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== 
11:04 pm
Victor Cerullo          Poetry and Power         Loneflyer (Groove)
Dom F. Scab             Zero and One             Binary Sevrets (Groove)
Baird Hersey            3rd Chakra               Waking the Cobra (Hersey 
van Zyl, Gulch, & Rath  Aural Explorations       The Sound Museum (Groove)
Boddy, Reuter, &        Triptych" Final View     Triptych (DiN)
Alpha Wave Movement &   Theidea                  Bislama (Spectral Spiral)
Stephanie Sante         Radiance                 Immaculate Conceptions
Vir Unis                Ghost in the Bubble      Pulse N Atmo (Groove)

12:00 am
James Johnson           Entering Twilight        Entering Twilight (Hypnos)

1:00 am

 * = exerpt
VA = Various Artists (compilation)

On the next EMUSIC, I'll continue the month-long focus on James Johnson, a
Chicago area ambienteer extraordinaire.  James has several releases on 
like Hypnos and his own Zero Music and will headline at the next Gathering 

I will also play music by Baird Hersey who will bring his group Prana to 
next Gathering.

Bill         billfox@fast.net
Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show.  Thursdays at
11 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and
Phillipsburg.  Email me if you wish to submit music for airplay 
Radio Station Home Page: http://wdiyfm.org
Personal site: http://www.users.fast.net/~billfox

***   To subscribe to the EMUSIC on WDIY list, send
email to: emusic-wdiy-subscribe@yahoogroups.com   ***