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RE: Repeater Synch Workaround.

You only have the choice of which tracks you want to *slip*.  The trim
function affects the overall loop integrity (literally how the trim points
make the linear audio seem connected).  So you can trim loops (which edits
the playback reference points for all four .WAVs) and you can slip tracks
(which changes the phasing of one or more tracks in reference to the loop
trim settings).  At least that's my understanding of it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel PERILLE [mailto:perille@club-internet.fr]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:01 AM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: Repeater Synch Workaround.

Tim Goodwin wrote :

> I think the actual beginning and end points of the WAV file are a direct
> function of when record is pressed (which would explain variations in
> length).  But the track length is also a function of LPA which
> the selected or sync'd tempo to calculate trim points which blend the
> and stop points into a more 'musical/user-friendly loop'.
> As soon as the recording is ended, the playback that we hear is an 
> WAV file - not the true WAV file length.  It doesn't seem to be possible
> listen to the actual non-LPA'd WAV on the Repeater, even when I tweak the
> trim and trim cut functions.  It wasn't until I started messing around
> the WAVs on my PC that I noticed how much different they sound than what 
> could monitor on the Repeater.  There is a gap at the end of each WAV 
> breaks up the continuity of the loop when played back in ACID Xpress and
> n-Track.
> --
> Tim

let's admit it's true for a first track once recorded, but what about the 3
other tracks then ?
I mean do you know if start/end loop points of the 3 other tracks are
like the first track once recorded ?
Or do the start/end points or the 3 other tracks are definitively fixed
according to the LPA ?
Is it truely a quadriphonic loop, or a 4-independent loop track ?