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You are certainly all aware of the fact there exits out there several, not to say numerous, CDs provided to give a "hell of an experience as far as weird textures are concerned". Recently, I came at a friend's place, acroos a CD, Akai format, called something like Pandora tool box. Maybe some one knows it? Because some "sounds" have me puzzled... If someoenes here can hear it, I suggest one take a "lokk" at these programs: regretlessly eeoyee submar brave tulkhed For a start. Either a well known guitar player, intervening sometimes here, and quite alooper to say the least has been part of the team on this CD or something is very wrong... When it doesn't look like it directly out of "Tripping over God" or from "What means solid...." with a very light touch of added treatments, it is definitely feeling like his way of treating loops. Of course I may be totally wrong, I may mistake my wife for a hat, or whatever.Maybe I' deluded or my ears ned tuning... I'd like to have some advice on this.... Olivier