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"if i replace the word 'looping' w/the word 'music', and the phrase 'a compositional structure' w/'idiomatic strictures', well....." MMm an interesting and apt choice of "rephrasing" (although not really in fact). I have more than once used "loops" to place myself in the position the original quote from picasso stated. Meaning, construct a patchwork of things I'm totally unable to play, while I did play all parts. And then try to learn it. Of course the word "loop" here is then used in a quite restrictive sense. It is mereley a form of editing. It led me to more or less disconnect my work from my guitar knowledge (being a former guitarist). That is the interesting part. Of course, with the time, it led me to focus more on sounds, arrangements, composition, than on the instrument itself. Because that was were music could lye (mm sp?), in my elusive search for such a thing. So, by a funny twist, working hard on the instrument as well as on designing exercices, made me weaker on my guitar (on a purely "technical" point of view of course). Olivier Malhomme