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Re: FW: EDP and Repeater in Rig

> I didn't notice!  Great show though, had to leave soon after Jon's set
> so the SFPD could impound my car (didn't get my registration renewal and
> I'm used to reg lasting 2 years.  D'oh!  I'm a looser.  To get an idea
> of what my day was like today, see Primus's DMV song)  The second band
> (I caught a DL4 on the floor) was really good as well.  That club seemed
> really loop/electronica friendly.  It's good to see live electronica,
> but I think I would have liked to have heard more Stick out of Jon.

Yes, I think that was my conclusion as well. It really isn't possible to do
justice to everything in an arrangement at once while playing busy, uptempo
stuff - the kind that gets people dancing. It's also difficult not to sound
stale when only one instrument is actually live and you are manipulating
synths and samples for all the rest.

I played the gig anyway, though, since I can't wait until the rest of the
band shows up, to hone my live skills especially with such a complex set of
gear to deal with.

I'm hoping to find some partners in crime around the city - ideally, a
keyboard player who can play really funk electric piano and clav, and a
singer and drummer. If anyone here is interested, or knows anyone, give me 
call. 415.706.7376

> Mark Sottilaro
> On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 07:43  PM, Jonathan El-Bizri wrote:
> >
> > I have my repeater synched up to a hardware sequencer. When I play a B
> > section, or reprise a section of a song, I can have the sequencer also
> > shift
> > the key of everything in the Repeater, so it follows along. Very cool -
> > most
> > people don't even seem to notice. The next trick would be to use the
> > repeater as an audio arpegiator.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Clifford@BienAppraisers" <res0koq3@verizon.net>
> > To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> > Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 10:26 AM
> > Subject: Re: FW: EDP and Repeater in Rig
> >
> >
> >> Just a note- I plugged a keyboard into the Rptr to control pich and it
> >> is
> >> pretty cool- if you have chords in the Rptr- the transposition that
> >> occurs
> >> is great- totally different moods etc-
> >>
> >> c
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >