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-- I've been playing with Ableton Live all weekend and all I can say is WOW! I've never ever used software that is so intuitive equally for live use or for composing. Actually, the irony is that I can see using this tool as much for composing and multitracking & dropping cubase 5.0 in favor of this tool's quick composing. The one feature that still has me knocked flat on my backside is the ability toflawlessly change time signatures and tempos of my loops. Pretty f#%$ing amazing! Look out as that 4/4 groove becomes a 6/8 waltz or a 5/4 mind f#$%! all without tedious time consuming resampling and production through ancillary software tools. Like I said - still reeling! This tool just can't be compared to the failed Phrazer. Even Acid pales in comparison. The one downside is needing to dedicate a midi floorboard to control all the functions. Can't imagine Radial surpassing Live but I am eager to try it once it's released. bob[noxious]