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Dear Loopers, Both Matthias Grob and Tom Heasley have confirmed their appearances at Loopstock! Here's the final lineup of performers, and a tentative schedule: 2:00-2:30 Set-up and socialize 2:40-3:10 Stanitarium (Stan Card) 3:20-3:50 Steven Rice 4:00-4:30 Mark Hamburg 4:40-5:10 Sleeping (Mark Sottilaro, Valerie Hilligan & Katrin Schenk) 5:20-5:50 Jon Wagner 6:00-6:30 Matthias Grob 6:30-7:00 Break 7:00-7:30 Rich Atkinson & Cliff Novey 7:40-8:10 Max Valentino 8:20-8:50 Dr. Richard Zvonar 9:00-9:30 Rick Walker's Loop.pooL 9:40-10:10 Ted Killian w/ Dr. Bob Sterling 10:20-10:50 Tom Heasley 11:00-11:30 Bill Walker 11:40-12:10 armatronix (Hans Lindauer & Daniel Seymour) I hope nobody's feelings are hurt. I've done my best to simultaneously honor requests, match the performers' sonic palettes to the sound systems, and to keep as much variety as possible between performances, while trying to give the most accomplished performers the best slots. If you feel that I've failed miserably or done anyone a grave injustice, please let's try to work it out now. I'll be willing to rearrange things a little bit for performers wishing to do duos as part of their sets, like Jon and Matthias are. In case you've missed the messages on LD, I've made the decision to scrap the idea of having everyone set up in the beginning, in favor of having two stages at opposite ends of the room; to quote Mr. Sottilaro, 'An "on" stage, and an "on deck" stage. That way, while act "a" [is] playing, act "b" [can] be setting up.' I feel that this will offer the best flow and the shortest downtime. Performers needing more than 30 minutes of setup time for wiring, troubleshooting, etc. should start their setup early. You will notice that I've scheduled ten minutes between performances. This gives us some time for discussion after each act, allows a quick sound check for who's next, and gives us a little bit of a time buffer. You will also notice that demos have disappeared from the schedule. This is due to time constraints, but you are welcome to share whatever knowledge you may in the space between sets. I have an idea that there will be plenty of gear talk between everybody at the festival, but if there's interest, we can formalize this and hold a demo session in my home studio on Sunday morning (after breakfast), since many of us will already be there anyway (and I want to see the demos myself). In case you want to call, I'm at (805)534-1009 most evenings. Yours, -Hans Lindauer